Sunday 18 August 2013

Holding On to Yesterday*

My re-post yesterday from my old blog (no longer online) was a direct result of a brief conversation I had with my Uncle Tony.

Yesterday was his 50th wedding anniversary and at my cousin Audra's request, I called in to the party being held at her brother Rob's house.  I spoke to my Aunt Erika for a few minutes; she was genuinely delighted to hear from me and insisted that I visit "home" (Kapuskasing) soon.  Then she passed the phone to my uncle.

As soon as I heard his "hello", tears sprang to my eyes; he sounds so much like my dad.

For a few minutes, it was like 12 years fell away.  I could pretend I was having a conversation with my father.  But it was just pretend and it was just a few minutes.  There is no holding on to yesterday...

*With my apologies to Ambrosia for appropriating the title of their song.

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